Friday, June 21, 2013

Almost There, Yet so Far Away

Ok, so this is going to be my blog for my year-long exchange in Seoul, South Korea. I am not leaving my home here in the US until the second week in August. But I am just going to be creating this post, and maybe a few others just to get into the habit of updating and posting on this blog and not just on my personal Tumblr. 

Alright, first off let's highlight my main goals for this blog:
  • Give my friends, family, and professors a way to see what I am doing while abroad
  • A digital compiling of my experiences to go along with the personal  journal that I will be using
  • Sharing my experiences and advice with others who may be interested in Global Studies, Traveling, Study Abroad, South Korea, or those who just want to follow me along my journey.

I have been out of the country before. I have spent a summer in southern France for an exchange and have traveled around Europe for a few weeks the following summer. Back in 2007, my family took a two week trip to China and that was what got me in to my traveling kick. Beijing was amazing and a complete eye opener to how other people live and interact with the world. Ever since then, I wanted to travel all over and see and experience the world as much as I can. I created a list of all the languages that I wanted to learn and all the places that I wanted to visit. 

When I want off to college, I knew right away that I wanted to study languages and cultures. Thus I committed myself to the International and Global studies track with a minor in French and Politics. But when I heard about the trip to South Korea, then I knew that would be a great opportunity for me to break into the Asian side of my language plan, plus it would be a good way to get back to the Asia that I fell in love with back in 2007; and the fact that I am slightly obsessed with k-pop and k-dramas might have also had some sway in my decision as well…

I am two months away from flying out for the whole year and I have most of the things I need to get done finished with. So now all I have to do is get my plane ticket, send in my visa application, and apply for classes. But even still I feel like there is still so much that I need to get done in the limited amount of time that I am still here in the states. 

Well, until next update!