Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Babies, Buddah, and Blue Cheese Burgers

Being able to travel is amazing and being able to visit family is even more so, but when you get the chance to do both at the same time, it is just priceless. Ever since I knew that I was going to be studying abroad in Asia, I really wanted to come over to Japan to visit my cousins who just moved there for deployment.  We had talked about me coming over for Christmas, but then I ended up going over to Hong Kong and they started their own family traditions with their new little six months old. 

January 12

So when I arrived at the airport, customs and immigration was a breeze because I had only one bag and was traveling by myself.  I kept talking to my cousin via Viber so we were able to meet up outside of customs no problem. When I got out, the first thing that I see if my cousin, her husband, and tiny little reindeer! Hannah (my cousin) had put her daughter in a cute little reindeer hat because of the weather outside.  Truthfully I was a little nervous being around Emma who was almost 6 months because I was not really sure how she would react around me. Truthfully I was afraid that she would not like me and start crying as soon as I took her into my arms. So I mostly just let Hannah and Chris take care of her until Hannah put her in my arms as we were heading out to the car after we had gotten lunch. And man was lunch amazing!

Chris took us to a ramen place near the base and I died.  Japanese ramen is so different from the ramen that I have had back in the states and even here in Korea. The broth was so rich with beef flavor and the noodles were so fresh and tasty. I had gotten the vegetable ramen that had green onions, Chinese chives, and whole roasted garlic on top. I really wanted to just change into a bathing suit, dive in, and bask in the warm, steamy goodness. But I had to settle for just eating it, and eat I did. This was a huge bowl, here in Korea it would be a portion for two, but I ate almost all of it by myself. I really wanted to eat all of it, but for the sake of my bursting stomach and my skinny leggings, I refrained from eating the last few bites and then slurping down the broth like a dehydrated camel.  

The Deliciousness that was my lunch

Oh~~~ I know you want some!

But Emma took my mind away from my ramen dregs. Hannah had put her in my arms and she instantly started to giggle and smile. She was just wiggling and playing with my hair. Hannah has hair a little past her shoulder that she usually keeps pulled back into a pony tail, so my loose mid-back lengthed hair was a real treat for Emma to play with. It was from that moment that I did not want to put her down the whole trip! After lunch we drove to the Base, got my visitor’s pass, and then went back to the house.

Once settled in, Hannah and I went to the commissary to get groceries/stock up before the Japanese holiday the next day. 

Heaven, heaven, heaven~

I was able to get cheese flavored Cheetos!! Y’all don’t understand, this is a huge thing for me. The Cheetos here in Korea are just not the same; they are bbq and garden veggie flavored and are really just the crunchy corn chip with seasoning salt on them!!! So having real Cheetos and only paying $2.50, not the $8.00 that I would have to pay for the imported cheese Cheetos here in Korea!! We also got my second love, Velveeta shells and cheese!!

 That night we had pretzel crusted fried pork chops with brussel sprouts, the mac and cheese, and red wine. Since Emma was already down for the night, all three of us watched the Heat and then called it a night.

January 13

Chris had to wake up early to go to work, so it was just Hannah, Emma, and me for the day. We went to the Base’s MOPS meeting in the morning where I got to play with Emma for the whole meeting!!!  After the meeting we went back home and put down Emma for a nap and then just hung out until later in the afternoon when we went to the mall in the nearby town and walked around there and then went to the Japanese grocery store in the basement. It was so fun just wandering around and seeing what all they were selling and what flavors there were. I even saw a few things that we have here in Korea on the shelves for sale as well.  And they had a Daiso (aka my fav store here in Korea), which it pretty obvious in hindsight, because it is a Japanese chain ( I was told by Kaitlyn when I got back from my trip).

That is sake with my hand for a size comparison

grilled, cut up squid anyone?
Radishes that were as big as Emma~

January 14

We woke up early again, well normal time for the Greens, early for me. Yea, if it is before 9, then it is a little too early for me (aka the sleepy, nocturnal college student). But this time it was because we were going to go to the Great Buddha, The Kazakerra!!  We met up with Hannah’s downstairs neighbor and best friend and her two girls and we headed off to the Buddha. It took a little over and hour and a half to get there because we had to take the trains and transfer a few times. That is the cool thing about Japan, there are no subways (that I saw), but rather above ground trains. I guess this was why it took longer to get there, but I loved that I was able to look out the windows and see all the scenery that was going by.

Walking to the Trains. Loving the blue sky! *This is not altered at all!!*

Probably my favorite picture form the whole trip. Was really honored to be able to get this perfectly timed picture of this beautiful women in her traditional clothing!

They have vending machine canned soups. Korea you need to get on top of this!!

We had lunch right outside of the train station at the town where the Buddha is located. It was a really cute Hawaiian themed restaurant and super delicious. One thing that I noticed about the Japanese is that they really like anything that deals with Hawaii. 

My salad!! The  first one that I have had in a long time and man, it was so good~~~

Spam sushi?

It was all on a bed of rice and utter perfection~

The Buddha was amazing and so relaxing to see. I was even able to go inside of the statue and see how it was put together. In the back there was a garden and a smaller shrine that housed a Korean artifact that was taken during the colonization and then donated sometime in the 90s to the Shrine by a big man Japanese business man.  So even in Japan I am followed by Korea.

Got to play around with Chris and Hannah's camera. Cool house on the way to the Temple

Entering the gates

Another shrine. Wish I could have visited too, but there is always a next time

Cleansing holy water. Unlike the one's in Korea this one was not drinkable, but cleansed my hands and face. Super cold!!

Got to go inside the Buuddah. This is looking up to his head~

The shrine housing the Korean artifact

Cool picture in the gardens. Really like the shot

On the way home, we got ice cream. Now I got the green tea and vanilla swirl which it the specialty   of the area. And I swear on the glass that is sitting next to me that it was the best ice cream that I had ever had.  I really want some now….

January 15

This was our “lazy” day in my visit. Hannah, Emma, and I just stayed at the house for most of day because Emma had not been taking her daily naps like normal, probably because I was there and we were traveling a lot. So Hannah and I decided to let her sleep and we could do some stuff around the house. Hannah cleaned and I was working on enhancing my photos and journaling in my personal journal. That afternoon, Hannah took me to the bigger mall that is near their house where we got lunch and then walked around.  We got lunch at an "American Burger" chain. I ended up ordering the blue cheese burger because I have been craving something other than chedder /mozzerella adn it jsut sounded really good!

The Glorious Blue Cheese Burger. Was good, but kind of wanted more of the blues cheese.

After lunch, we walked around and window shopped until we came to a Gap. I bought a thick sweater, because for some reason here in Seoul I can only find thin fashion sweaters that look nice but don’t really keep a person warm in the frozen artic that I live in called Korea in the winter. I was also able to pick up two tanks that were on sale to replace the ones that I brought because the other two were 1) not fitting (too big) and 2) were starting to look a little dingy because of all the wear that I have been putting them through.We got back to the house in time to give Emma her bath, which I might say was the best thing ever. She really likes the water and splashes like there is no tomorrow!

January 16

Since this was my last full day in Japan before I had to head back to Seoul, Hannah and I went and got lunch at a really good “sushi-go-round” that was near their house off base. Oh my goodness gracious, the sushi was amazing. There were so many different kinds and so many different colors that it was a sensory overload at some parts.

Salmon Sashimi. Was really good~~

Tuna sashimi. Mostly what I ate during lunch


No idea what is was, did not eat it, but it was really cool looking

Corn salad over rice

Tempura fried Asian punmpkin

Sushi with egg. Super good and actually sweet tasting

Shrimp, onions, avocado, with a mayonnaise sauce

The damage...

Emma was helping us choose what to order

 I even go to try the Japanese staple of melon soda. It was really good and I really can’t explain the taste because I have never really had anything like it before.

Melon Soda, or as Chris lovingly refers to it: Hulk Snot

After completely stuffing ourselves with lunch, we went back on base where I was able to stock up on American food to bring back to Seoul (not everything was able to make it over here, but I got a few goodies). 

Later in the afternoon, we (Hannah, Emma, and I) went out to find a park that was designed to look like clouds so we could take some cool pictures, but we ended up getting turned around and a little lost. But never fear, because we made an adventure out of it and got to see some really pretty houses and the surrounding neighborhood that Hannah had not seen before. After failing to find the park, we went back to the mall so that Hannah cold stop in Daiso and pick up a few things. We even got a free balloon animal for Emma!

January 17

All of us (Chris, Hannah, Emma, and I) woke up early to make the drive to the airport to make my 12:00pm flight back to Seoul. The car ride was really fun because I got to hear about their lives now that they are parents and living in a different country and what they were thinking of in terms of future plans and such.  Plus I was sitting in the back with Emma so we were able to play when she was not sleeping. 

When we got to the airport Chris had to stay out in the car with Emma so I said my goodbyes to the out in the parking lot. Hannah stayed with me all the way to the security gate. We had a slightly tearful goodbye and promised that we would keep in touch.  I really am going to miss them and really hope that they come visit me while I am over here in Korea!


  1. Love that you were able to visit with Hannah, Chris and Emma. And see how cool Tokyo is!

    1. I know I loved getting to see then and Japan! It was like coming home...but in Japan...yeah... But I had a blast!!!

  2. I really enjoyed hearing about your trip! It was almost like I was there. Thanks!

  3. I like how I can still worm my way into your blog entries <3 hehehe glad you had fun in Japan!
